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Severe Asthma

Severe Asthma - What it is

Millions navigate life with asthma symptoms daily, considering them part of the norm. The reality is, asthma persists, posing the risk of enduring, irreversible lung damage. Despite years of coping, if symptoms impede desired activities and persist, it's time for a thorough reevaluation of your understanding of asthma.

Approximately 5-10% of asthma patients grapple with Severe Asthma, enduring persistent symptoms or frequent flare-ups despite adhering to high doses of inhaled preventer medications and occasionally oral steroids.

Recent advancements in asthma science underscore the existence of various asthma types. Identifying your specific type is crucial, as deep lung inflammation, known as Type 2 inflammation, can manifest as "eosinophilic" or "allergic" asthma.

Severe Asthma - How to prevent?

Severe Asthma - Causes and Risk Factors

Severe Asthma - Diagnosis

Severe Asthma - Preparing for surgery

Severe Asthma - Post-surgery care

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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