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Clin Asst Prof Ooi Su Kai Gideon

Clin Asst Prof Ooi Su Kai Gideon

MBBS, FRCR, M.Med (Diagnostic Radiology), FAMS


Specialty: Oncologic Imaging, Nuclear Medicine

Clinical Interest: Colorectal, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary, Thoracic-Oncology, PET Imaging (Positron emission tomography (PET))

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
Colorectal Cancer, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Cancers, Pancreatic Cancer, Thoracic Cancers.

Clinical Appointments

  • Consultant Division of Oncologic Imaging National Cancer Centre SingaporeNational Cancer Centre Singapore
  • Consultant Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Singapore General HospitalSingapore General Hospital
  • Consultant Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging KK Women's and Children's HospitalKK Women's and Children's Hospital

Academic Appointments

  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School
  • Core Faculty Member, Nuclear Medicine Senior Residency Programme
  • Physician Faculty Member, Diagnostic Radiology Residency Programme


Dr Gideon Ooi obtained his medical degree from National University of Singapore in 2010 and his specialist qualifications in Diagnostic Radiology from the Royal College of Radiologists and National University of Singapore in 2017. He completed further specialist training in Nuclear Medicine in 2020 to become among a handful of dually-accredited Diagnostic Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine Phy-sician. 

In 2023, Dr Ooi received the prestigious National Medical Research Council Research Training Fel-lowship (NMRC RTF) to be among few nationally-selected Innovation Fellows in the Singapore Bi-odesign Programme that aims to nurture the next generation of medtech innovators for Singapore and Asia, (the first diagnostic radiologist or nuclear medicine physician to do so). During the fellowship, he underwent clinical immersion at Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital in China, and received training at Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign at Stanford University and at Fogarty Innovation In-stitute in California, USA. He and his team filed for two provisional patents during the fellowship. 

Dr Ooi also has research interests in oncologic imaging, theranostics as well as medical artificial intel-ligence. 

He is a Core Faculty member of the Nuclear Medicine Senior Residency Programme and Clinical As-sitant Professor with Duke-NUS Medical School. He also serves as an executive committee member of Singapore Radiological Society


  • Fellow, Singapore Biodesign Programme 
  • Fellow, Academy of Medicine Singapore (FAMS) 
  • Masters in Medicine (MMed) 
  • Fellow, Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) 
  • MBBS (Singapore)

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Core Faculty Member, Nuclear Medicine Senior Residency Programme
  • Physician Faculty Member, Singhealth Diagnostic Radiology Residency Programme
  • Member, SingHealth RISPACS Steering Committee
  • Executive Committee Member, Singapore Radiological Society


  • Research Training Fund, National Medical Research Council (NMRC RTF) 2023 
  • Covid Resilience Medal 2023 
  • Young Investigator’s Award, Asian Congress of Thoracic Imaging 2023 
  • Inspiring Resident Educator Award 2019 
  • Outstanding Resident Award 2018, 2019 
  • Honorable Mention, 2nd Asian Neuroendocrine Tumour Experts Meeting 2018

Research Interests


  1. Qi TH, Hian OH, Kumaran AM, Tan TJ, Cong TRY, Su-Xin GL, Lim EH, Ng R, Yeo MCR, Tching FLLW, Zewen Z, Hui CYS, Xin WR, Ooi SKG, Leong LCH, Tan SM, Preetha M, Sim Y, Tan VKM, Yeong J, Yong WF, Cai Y, Nei WL; JBCR; Ai3. Multi-center evaluation of artificial intelligent imaging and clinical models for predicting neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2022 May;193(1):121-138.
  2. Chiang J, Yang VS, Han S, Zhuang Q, Ooi G, Sin IH, Chua GWY, Tan SY, Chia CS, Tan VK, Neo PSH, Kwek JW, Yap SP, Kanesvaran R, Lim ST, Hwang WYK, Tham CK. Mini-mizing transmission of COVID-19 while delivering optimal cancer care in a National Cancer Centre. J Cancer Policy. 2020 Sep;25:100241. 
  3. Ooi GSK, Liew C, Ting DSW, Lim TCC. Artificial Intelligence: A Singapore Response. Ann Acad Med Singap. 2020 Apr;49(4):256-258. PMID: 32296809. 
  4. Huang HL, Tong AKT, Thang SP, Yan SX, Lam WWC, Loke KSH, Tang CYL, Cheng LTJ, Ooi GSK, Low HC, Magsombol BM, Tham WY, Goh CXY, Tan CJ, Khor YM, Zaheer S, Bharadwaj P, Xie W, Ng DCE. Current Status and Growth of Nuclear Theranostics in Singapore. Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2019 Apr;53(2):96-101. doi: 10.1007/s13139-019-00580-3. Epub 2019 Jan 
  5. Ooi, S. K. G., Makmur, A., Soon, A. Y. Q., Fook-Chong, S., Liew, C., Sia, S. Y., ... & Lim, C. Y. (2021). Attitudes toward artificial intelligence in radiology with learner needs assess-ment within radiology residency programmes: a national multi-programme survey. Singapore medical journal, 62(3), 126. 
  6. Ooi SK, Tan TJ, Ngu JC. Clinics in diagnostic imaging (171). Caecal volvulus with under-lying intestinal malrotation. Singapore Med J. 2016 Nov;57(11):598-602. 
  7. Chen, Z., Zhou, Y., Tran, A., Zhao, J., Wan, L., Ooi, G. S. K., ... & Fu, H. (2023, October). Medical phrase grounding with region-phrase context contrastive alignment. In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (pp. 371-381). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Research Trials