Brand/Proprietary Drug Name: Haemophilus Influenzae type B, HiB, Hiberix, Infanrix IPV+Hib, Infanrix Hexa, Pentaxim, Hexaxim Related: Haemophilus Influenzae type B, HiB, Hiberix, Infanrix IPV+Hib, Infanrix Hexa, Pentaxim, Hexaxim. What Medicine is used for: HiB vaccines help to prevent infection caused by the bacteria, Haemophilus Influenzae type B. HiB disease tends to affect children below 5 years of age. It can cause many different kinds of infections, ranging from mild illnesses, such as ear infections or bronchitis, to severe illnesses, such as pneumonia, infections of the bloodstream or brain/spinal cord (meningitis), sometimes leading to death. It is spread from one person to another through close contact or the air, via coughs or sneezes. People who are not sick but have the bacteria in their noses and throats can still spread the bacteria. Symptoms of HiB infection depend on the site of infection. In pneumonia where the lungs are affected, symptoms include shortness of breath, cough and fever. In meningitis where the brain/spinal cord are affected, symptoms include sudden onset of irritability, vomiting, poor appetite, or becoming inactive. Who Should Receive the HiB Vaccine? As part of the Singapore National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS), all children should receive three doses and a booster at appropriate intervals, for example at age 2, 4, 6 months old, followed by a booster dose at age 18 months old. It is also recommended in adults who are at risk of invasive HiB infection, such as those without a functional spleen, who suffer from immunodeficiencies, or those receiving chemotherapy. type b (hib) vaccine
Brand/Proprietary Drug Name: Hepatitis A, Avaxim, Havrix, Vaqta, Twinrix Related: Hepatitis A, Avaxim, Havrix, Vaqta, Twinrix. What Medicine is used for: Hepatitis A vaccines help to prevent infection caused by the Hepatitis A Virus (HAV). The virus is found in the stool of people with Hepatitis A, and is usually spread through ingestion of food and water contaminated by faeces, either through poor personal hygiene or poor sanitation. It may also be transmitted through close contact with an infected person. Hepatitis A infection generally does not show any symptoms in young children. Older children and adults are more likely to have symptoms. Common symptoms include fever, jaundice (yellow skin or eyes), dark urine, loss of appetite, tiredness, nausea and vomiting, severe stomach pain and diarrhea. Who Should Receive the Hepatitis A Vaccine? It is recommended in individuals (who are at least age 12 months old) travelling to or living in developing countries where Hepatitis A is widespread. For others who are at higher risk of contracting Hepatitis A and wish to protect themselves, consult your doctor for advice.
Related: Hepatitis B, Engerix. What Medicine is used for: Hepatitis B vaccines help to prevent infection caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Hepatitis B can lead to serious liver disease, and is spread by direct contact with blood or other body fluids from an infected person. It can also spread by sharing items such as toothbrushes or razors with an infected person. A baby whose mother is infected may become infected at birth unless the necessary vaccines are done. Common symptoms of Hepatitis B include jaundice (yellow skin or eyes), nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and joint pain. As part of the Singapore National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS), all children should receive three doses at appropriate intervals.Infants should get their first dose at birth and will usually complete the series by 6 months of age, however sometimes it may take longer than 6 months to complete the series. As part of the Singapore National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS), adults (18 years or older) who have not been previously vaccinated, or lack evidence of past infection or immunity should receive three doses (the first dose, followed by the second and third dose at one month and six months after the first dose).
Brand/Proprietary Drug Name: Premarin, Estrofem, Progynova, Activelle, Femoston, Trisequens, Progyluton Related: Hormone replacement therapy, HRT, menopause, menopausal, hot flushes, Premarin, Estrofem, Progynova, Activelle, Femoston, Trisequens, Progyluton, estrogen, progestogen, hormone. What Medicine is used for: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used to describe preparations that contain the two female hormones, estrogen and progestogen, that are given together to relieve bothersome symptoms of menopause. Symptoms of menopause include hot face, neck and chest (“hot flushes”), night sweats, vaginal dryness and low mood. The decrease in estrogen may also lead to a condition called osteoporosis, where the bones become thinner, weaker and easier to break. Using estrogen alone may cause abnormal thickening of the uterus (womb) lining – hence those with an intact uterus require an additional female hormone, progestogen, to prevent this. Progestogen may be combined together with estrogen in one tablet. It may also be prescribed separately for a specific duration each month.
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Brand/Proprietary Drug Name: Pregynl®
Brand/Proprietary Drug Name: HPV, Human Papillomavirus, Cervarix, Gardasil Related: HPV, Human Papillomavirus, Cervarix, Gardasil. What Medicine is used for: HPV vaccines help to prevent infection by certain strains (e.g. types 16 and 18) of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which may lead to cervical cancer in women. Some HPV vaccines can also help prevent vaginal and vulvar cancer in women, anal cancer or genital warts in both women and men HPV infection spreads from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact like sexual activity, or infrequently during delivery from an infected mother to her baby. Most HPV infections, including with strains that can cause cervical cancer, do not have any signs or symptoms. Symptoms of cervical cancer may include abnormal vaginal bleeding such as bleeding after menstrual periods or after sex. There may also be changes in the amount, colour or smell of the vaginal discharge. It is recommended to have regular screening, e.g. Pap smear to detect cervical cancer early. Who Should Receive the HPV Vaccine? As part of the Singapore National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS), all females up to age 17 years should receive 2 to 3 doses. Those aged 9 to 14 years at first dose should receive 2 doses (first dose at between 12 to 13 years old, and second dose between 13 to 14 years old), while those aged 15-17 years at first dose should receive 3 doses (at interval of 0, 1-2 and 6 months). As part of the Singapore National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS), females (18 to 26 years old) who have not been previously vaccinated, or lack evidence of past infection or immunity should receive 3 doses (at intervals of 0, 1-2 and 6 months). It may also be given to females aged 9 to 17 years who have not been previously vaccinated, or lack evidence of past infection or immunity. Consult your doctor for more details.
Brand/Proprietary Drug Name: Apo-hydro, co-approvel, Exforge, Exforge-HCT Related: diuretics, hypertension, heart failure, water retention, hydrochlorothiazide, co-aprovel, Hyzaar, Hyzaar-forte, Apo-Triazide. What Medicine is used for: Hydrochlorothiazide belongs to a class of medications called Diuretics. It works on your kidneys to get rid of extra water and salts in your body. This medication is used to remove excess fluid from your body. This will decrease the pressure on the blood vessels and allow the heart to work less hard. Hence, it may also be used to treat high blood pressure.
Related: Corticosteroid, Hydrocortisone, Steroid, Adrenal insufficiency, Allergy, Arthritis, Asthma. What Medicine is used for: Hydrocortisone belongs to a group of medication called steroids. It is used in adrenal insufficiency which is a condition where the body does not produce enough steroids. Hydrocortisone can also be used to relieve swelling, redness, itch and allergic reactions. It is often used for various conditions such as AsthmaSevere allergiesSkin problemsCertain types of arthritis Certain diseases of the immune system such as Lupus
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