Being a good educator is not
merely about good teaching,
stated Associate Professor
Nigel Tan Choon Kiat,
Senior Consultant, National
Neuroscience Institute
(NNI). “It’s about promoting learning
through careful application of education
theories — learning, psychology and human
behaviour, and systems.” He added that
being a good educator also means being a fair assessor, being collaborative and
collegial with colleagues, and having the
humility to receive knowledge and guidance
from people with expertise in areas one
does not possess.
“Part of me always enjoys the new
and the novel,” Assoc Prof Tan shared
when asked about why he enrolled in the
Masters in Health Professionals Education
programme from the Massachusetts
General Hospital Institute of Health
Professions in 2011.
He was part of the pioneer cohort to take
the two-year course. “I felt that the Masters
would help me develop a stronger theoretical
grounding in education, beyond just being a
good teacher.”
The Masters course was challenging
for Assoc Prof Tan, who has a biomedical
background. “It was hard to embrace the
ways of thinking in the social sciences,
which a lot of education is grounded in.
But the struggle was worth it, as it helped
me become a better educator,” he said.
Before the Masters course, Assoc Prof
Tan, who is SingHealth’s Group Director
of Education (Undergraduate), had already
been teaching since he became NNI
neurology registrar in 1999; he was one of
the first two registrars hired in NNI. “The
learning environment in NNI was — and
still is — wonderful,” he said. “What I really enjoyed was the peer learning between
neurology and neurosurgery.”

What inspired him to go deeper into
medical education was an exemplary teacher.
“One of the reasons why the learning in NNI
was so rich was because we had Associate
Professor Loong Si Chin (above, right) as our teacher,”
shared Assoc Prof Tan. He described the
late Assoc Prof Loong, who passed away
in 2022, as someone who was superb at
making the complex appear simple. “That
ability to explain things simply and clearly
was so helpful for all of us.” Prof Loong also
exemplified the values of a good educator
— he was always patient, a good listener,
lifelong learner, and took on a collegial
approach in education. “I know I was
definitely inspired by him to become an
educator, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.”
When asked if he and his team ever feel
the weight of teaching the next generation of
healthcare professionals, Assoc Prof Tan said:
“It is a duty for all of us in the public sector.
Despite these responsibilities, our healthcare
educators have risen to the task.” He affirmed
that SingHealth is doing well in providing
effective education “in terms of the number
of learners who come through our doors, and
the positive feedback we get”.
However, there are areas that need
work. “Managing faculty’s education and
clinical workload, better embodying clinical
competencies and educator values, being more
interprofessional in our education practice,
reinforcing educator identity, and strengthening
our educator community of practice — these
would be my goals in my current role,” he said.
It is no wonder that Assoc Prof Tan went
into healthcare, under the positive influence
of his parents, who are a now-retired general
practitioner and midwife. “Healthcare offered
a chance to engage the head and heart, to
meld art and science to help people,” he said.
“This seemed to my 19-year-old self to be a
pretty good basis to build one’s life upon.”
What about picking neurology as his
specialty? “There was a geeky intellectual
aspect to neurology that appealed to me,
and making a diagnosis with complex
patients was exciting,” said Assoc Prof Tan.
At the time, neurology was transitioning
from an “all diagnosis, no treatment”
specialty to one with new and exciting
treatments that will help patients. “This
made our work very meaningful.”
At home, Assoc Prof Tan has a valuable
partner in life. “My wife is a surgeon-educator
who is in SingHealth, too. We often have
interesting discussions about education,” he
quipped. Together, they have three children.
“We are quite a geeky family with eclectic
interests; dinner discussions often span
a variety of topics including pop culture,
linguistics, food, sociology, marketing, and
more. I learn quite a lot from my children, too.”
A self-confessed nerd, Assoc Prof Tan
said that, had he not become a doctor, he would
have enjoyed being a music or film critic. He
also believes in the benefits of exercise. “I
find exercise to be tremendously helpful in
managing work stress. I go running or brisk
walking with a weighted vest, combined with
some light resistance exercises a few times a
week. It’s amazing how solutions appear when
your brain gets flooded with endorphins.”
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