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Dr Fong Hui Chai

Dr Fong Hui Chai

​MBBS (Hons), MRCS (Edin), MMed (Surgery), FAMS (Plastic Surgery), FRCS (Plast) (Glasg)

Associate Consultant

Specialty: Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

Clinical Interest: Reconstructive Microsurgery, Breast Reconstruction, Aesthetic Surgery, Lymphoedema, Head and Neck Reconstruction, Lower Extremity Salvage

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty).

Clinical Appointments

  • Associate Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Singapore General HospitalSingapore General Hospital

Academic Appointments

  • Clinical Instructor: Duke-NUS School of Medicine
  • Clinical Teacher: Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine


Dr. Fong Hui Chai completed his undergraduate medical training in 2011 at Monash University, Australia, completed his residency with Singhealth, and is currently a Plastic Surgeon at the Singapore General Hospital. He is dual certified in Plastic Surgery with the Academy of Medicine in Singapore and the Royal College of Surgeons in Glasgow. 

Dr. Fong's clinical passion is performing reconstructive microsurgical techniques that precisely restore form and function. He has also taken the initiative in setting up a new complex wound clinic with the Vascular Surgery service at the Diabetic and Metabolic Centre, with the aim of developing neoteric, multi-disciplinary solutions for diabetic and vasculopathic ulcers. Apart from the treatment of complex reconstructive challenges, he is also an enthusiastic researcher. In addition to publishing and speaking internationally on a broad range of reconstructive topics, he has written several publications on microsurgical techniques for hepatic artery reconstruction in liver transplantation. Dr. Fong is also engaged in translational research, having been awarded funding support of $99,000 from the National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC) – I2D grant to develop a 3D-printed synthetic dermal substitute for partial thickness skin wounds with A*STAR. 

Outside of his clinical work, Dr. Fong is a keen educator, engaging in outreach programmes for medical students and organising biannual workshops on microsurgery for junior doctors and students.


Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
  • Member, Chapter of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 
  • Member: A*STAR Animal Study Advisory Board


  • ​Outstanding Medical Officer - National Neuroscience Institute (2014)

Research Interests


  1. Fong HC, Goh T, Chui CHK et al. The lateral thoracic vessels – a useful recipient in immediate breast reconstruction. J RECONSTR MICROSURG O. 2015; Vol 1
  2. Fong HC, Tan NG, Tan KC, Chong SJ. A single southeast asian institution experience in the management of skin cancers - analysis of 431 cases and review of the literature. ANZ J SURG. 2015 May; Vol 85 Supp 1:46
  3. Fong, H.C., Tan, B.K., Chow, P.K. and Ong, H.S.. The Use of Bilayered Fascia Lata With an Interpositional Omental Flap for Autologous Repair of Contaminated Abdominal Fascial Defects. Annals of plastic surgery, 2017 79(5), pp.486-489.
  4. Ng, S.W., Fong, H.C. and Tan, B.K.,. Two sequential free flaps for coverage of a total knee implant. Archives of plastic surgery, 2018 45(3), p.280.
  5. Fong HC, LSL Levin, Avoiding complications in microsurgery and strategies for flap take-back. Archives of plastic surgery, 2019
  6. Tan EK, Tan BK, Fong HC, Chua D, Chew KY, Koh YX, Chung AY, Lee SY, Teo JY, Cheow PC, Chan CY, Goh BK, Jeyaraj PR. Impact of Microsurgical Anastomosis of Hepatic Artery on Arterial Complications and Survival Outcomes After Liver Transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2020 Sep 17:S0041-1345(20)32688-9. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2020.08.017.
  7. Qi En Hong, Hui-Chai Fong, Khong-Yik Chew, Yan-Mee Law, Chung-Yip Chan, Bien-Keem Tan. Use of the Descending Branch of the Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery as an Arterial Graft in Living Donor Liver Transplant, Transplantation Proceedings, Volume 53, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 2335-2338, ISSN 0041-1345,
  8. Fong, H.C., Tan, E.K., Chew, K.Y., Raj, P. and Tan, B.K., 2021, February. Hepatic Artery Reconstruction in Living Donor Liver Transplantation With the Radial Artery Interpositional Graft. In Transplantation Proceedings. Elsevier
  9. Tan, B.K., Fong, H.C., Tan, E.K. and Raj, J.P., 2021. Strategies for a successful hepatic artery anastomosis in liver transplantation: A review of 51 cases. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 50(9), pp.679-685.
  10. Fong HC, Chao VTT, Leung JH, et al. 2021 Gastric Malignancy Causing E. Coli Infection of a Frozen Elephant Trunk Stent Graft and the use of Transthoracic Composite muscle Flaps for Graft Salvage. J Cardiothorac Surg Ther 5(1):95-97.
  11. Chung, B., Fong, H.C., Chew, E.M., Chew, K.Y., Chong, S.J. and Goh, C.S.L., 2022. An Unusual Case of Cold Burn Injury in a Tropical Country. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
  12. Hui-Chai FONG, Jonathan TW AU EONG, Khong-Yik CHEW, Ye-Xin KOH, Jeyaraj Prema RAJ, Bien-Keem TAN, 2023. Use of the “flange joint” anastomotic technique for hepatic artery reconstruction in liver transplantation. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  13. Neo, S. Fong, H.C. Chan, B.H. Foo, C.L. 2024. Delayed presentation of a middle meningeal arteriovenous fistula after Le Fort I osteotomy. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Research Trials