Our blood contains much more than just red blood cells.
There are many other biomarkers of health. What are these biomarkers,
and what do their presence or lack of mean?
Our blood contains
information about the
state of our health. Blood
tests can indicate how
well various organs are
working. These tests
measure biomarkers that may indicate
underlying diseases.
Biomarkers associated with one organ
are read together — known as a panel — to
ensure a consistent assessment of the health
of that organ.
“Renal and liver panels, and full blood
count (FBC) tests are common blood tests to
assess overall organ function and detect any
potential underlying illnesses. For patients
with diabetes or hypertension, a renal panel is
done on a regular basis,” said Dr Michelle Ee,Associate Consultant, Department of FamilyMedicine and Continuing Care (FMCC),Singapore General Hospital (SGH). “They
can also be monitored following the mediumto
long-term use of certain medications
such as antibiotics and
Such tests,
should not be
a proper
of the patient
history taking and physical examination, said Dr Andrew
Wong, Consultant, Department of FMCC,
SGH. "The readings from a renal or liver
panel, together with the patient's risks and
signs or symptoms, give an indication of
whether kidney or liver disease is present
respectively. Abnormal individual test
results within a panel can be due to causes
other than diseases of the specific organ.
Paradoxically, normal results may show
in patients with serious liver disease, for
instance,” Dr Wong added.
Patients suffering from high blood
pressure, diabetes or with a family history
of kidney disease are usually asked to
undergo a renal panel as they are at risk of
kidney disease; likewise patients who show
symptoms that suggest they have a condition
affecting the function of their kidneys, such
as urine that is foamy, bloody or coffeecoloured.
Similarly, a liver panel is ordered
when there are signs and symptoms that
suggest a liver condition such as jaundice,
dark urine, and light-coloured stools.
*Reference ranges are dependent on many factors, and differ between laboratories performing the test(s). Refer to the reference range for your test(s) as stated on your lab report.

News Article;
SingHealth;Singapore General Hospital;
Singapore Health;
Singapore Health