During this pandemic, we witnessed the disruptive changes that were brought upon the lives of many, and especially for us as healthcare providers, we feel an even stronger sense of responsibility for the patients we see in NHCS. It is extremely uplifting to know that many colleagues have stepped forward to help us advance our causes in improving the lives and health outcomes of our patients by contributing to NHCS Heart To Heart Fund. One such colleague is Jasmine Lim from NHRIS.
“During my nursing days, I often enjoy cooking and baking for my colleagues. One day, my colleague brought up the idea of selling the food I have prepared and raising funds for the needy at the same time – a win-win situation for all!,” shares Jasmine.
Since then, Jasmine has been pursuing her passion of cooking, baking and giving whenever she can. She recently organised a year end and Chinese New Year bake sale, and donated all her proceeds to NHCS Heart To Heart Fund in support of Medical Research. Looking at the intricate and colourful goodies, one can tell that she puts all her heart and soul into the baking and decorating.
Jasmine baked eye-catching character macarons and rich flavourful cookies to raise funds for medical research in NHCS.
Jasmine, who is an avid aerial yoga enthusiast, also shares that keeping physically active helps to relax her mind and improve her overall well-being. This allows her to have the energy to continue helping those in need by doing and giving what she can. Indeed, all of us should ensure our well-being is taken care of so that we are able to take care of others too!
Learn more from our other colleagues who are supporting our needy heart patients or helping to advance cardiac care through their contributions to NHCS Heart To Heart Fund!
Keen to know more or would like to make a gift? Visit this page or contact the NHCS Development Team at [email protected].
Launched in 2010, the Heart To Heart Fund aims to support financially needy patients; patients who require novel treatment when they are unable to undergo conventional therapy; cardiovascular research, and the education and training of cardiac healthcare professionals.
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National Heart Centre Singapore;
Stories from the Heart (NHCS);
National Heart Centre Singapore;
Giving & Philanthropy