Keystone Symposia Meeting titled "Lessons from the Pandemic: Responding to Emerging Zoonotic Viral Diseases" will take place on April 10-13, 2022 at Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, UT, USA, with a virtual option available. This symposia is being co-organized by William E. Dowling (CEPI), Sarah Gilbert (University of Oxford) and Prof Wang Linfa (Duke-NUS Medical School). This meeting will focus on the gaps identified from the COVID-19 pandemic and address the needs for improved pandemic preparedness. The program will integrate science and policy aspects of pandemic response, to develop a holistic and more effective response plan with the main focus on coronaviruses, but also touching on other high profile emerging viral pathogens for comparative analysis.
The deadline for scholarships and abstracts is January 17, 2022; the early registration deadline is February 10, 2022 and the Global Health Award deadline is March 14, 2022. For more information and registration, please visit