The Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (CHILD) was born out of a desire to give all children in Singapore the best start to life and to help them develop optimally as they grow up. By leveraging extensive advances in science and strong, evidence-based practices, they help guide public policies and interventions to improve the emotional, cognitive and social outcomes for all children. Their purporse is to help children develop with optimal capacity, and progress through life unencumbered by preventable disadvantages arising early in their lives.
CHILD's inaugural conference promotes science, innovation, collaboration and partnership, providing a forum for multiple perspectives to improve the early years for young children. CHILD Biennial Conference 2022 will be a 3-day Physical Conference, with virtual elements event, featuring keynote speakers, panel sessions, oral presentations, lightning talks and workshops.
Please click here to register (internet required). Limited places left!
For conference programme, you may view it here (internet required).
You may refer to the poster below for more information.